Thursday, September 24, 2009


I thought I would be bored only working three days a week, but it hasn't happened yet! In addition to taking on the lion's (lioness'?) share of administrative duties that come with a move (tags and title, internet and phone, finding a grocery store, gas station, date night activity- some duties are more fun than others!), I've been enjoying having some more time for a few home activities. Tuesday I did a lot of cooking, using up food we got from our CSA (community supported agriculture- aka "farm cult"), mostly to freeze. I hope all three of our readers enjoy this photo essay:

First of all, our home as it looked before we had dinner guests the other night:

I made potato soup with the potatoes from the CSA:

I listened to NPR podcasts while I washed and chopped. I ran out of chicken stock for the soup, so I ran across to the store to buy more. If you could see out the window behind my laptop, you could see the store! I almost left the stove and podcast on- but I didn't.

Mums on our front porch on my way out the door:

While the potato soup was cooking.....

.... I cut up peppers, onions, and garlic to be processes for chili later this week! Probably tomorrow.

Mmmmm, chili. I left one pepper to actually eat fresh (We had eaten one the night before, too). We had some lettuce this week, and the salads have been amazing.

Then I did some planning for school- yesterday we had a science demonstration and some other review activities.

(see the rug, Mom?)

And, our fish P got some fresh clean water.

Though not as fresh and clean as the water will be soon, when our fancy water filter arrives! Pierre sends his love to my sister, who transported him here to Small Town in style and safety.

One last picture of our house, 'cause I know the parents like that kind of thing:

Peace out, y'all!

Monday, September 21, 2009

A Flavor of Education

While not the family blogger, I’ve had a goal to guest post for quite some time. Starting a new job and working at least 12 hours a day might not seem like the ideal time to realize such a goal. But, that’s how life works: oddly. Being in a new place is exciting, scary, and interesting. While there are many funky oddities that characterize a small town (of which I’m sure I only know few at this time), this post concerns the essence of a small liberal arts college. There are many things that characterize such an institution, but I’d like to leave you with ten mind morsels. Each is a way to complete the following sentence starter: You know you’re at a small liberal arts college when…

10) Your first student shows up to the first meeting of your first course 40 minutes early.
9) Students actually read what you assign them (at least 80%).
8) At a free cookout you overhear a group of nearby students arguing about the specifics of a World War II event.
7) When a slightly disgruntled student comes to discuss their recent test grade with you, they are marginally interested in their specific grade and much more interested in your philosophy of grading and its relationship to true learning.
6) Students are accustomed to addressing their professors by their first names.
5) The buildings match.
4) Students participate in reading groups outside of their normal classes.
3) People you’ve never met know who you are (this does overlap with “You know you’re in a small town when…”)
2) In the governance structure of the college, there is actually a “Committee on Committees.”
1) In the men’s bathroom there is magnetic poetry on the urinal wall. Apparently it’s been there for years. Not only is it there, but it changes, almost daily. Here are a few recent samples:

“Can an obedient skeleton make phone calls?”
“Know, see change and remember.”
“An obedient skeleton can make you ache.”
“Climb on and howl.”
“Publish manuscript.”

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Notes from the Western Front

A few notes and pictures of interest, at least to us:

Our New "House" (at least, as it looked when we moved it- we've added some flowers and furniture):

The view from my new commute (warning: this may make those of you in Big City want to move out here!):

Teaching three days a week = pure awesomeness

Leaving me time to make things like this eggplant pizza:
Pure deliciousness.

Speaking of pure awesomeness- The LIQUOR aisle at Target!!!!!:

The CSA where we get our veggies:

Fortunately, if surprisingly, there is some good food to be had of the restaurant variety also, in nearby Moderately-Sized City:

There is a lot more nature here, too. And by nature, I mean bugs. But there is some cool nature, too:

And, in case this point hasn't been driven home enough, it's very pretty here.

Damn relaxing, too =)