My husband, who is graciously cleaning up dinner while I rest. Having a one year old is exhausting!
The fresh flowers I cut every Wednesday from our CSA.
The butter dish we bought from the local art festival this summer. It's a beautiful, functional thing that sits on our table most of the time- what could be better? I loooove butter, and I figure the grass-fed butter we've been buying is good for nursing moms and babies, so I've been indulging. Also, I figured out why butter knives have that funny shape. Genius.
The full-fledged autumn that is raging here as we bring in October. If spring comes with hope spontaneously bubbling up, autumn finds me holding onto it with fierce, triumphant determination. (We won't talk now about what happens to it in January. Let's just say there's a reason it needs to be reborn every spring.)
The Harry Potter Christmas music I listen to in the fall, until it's time for regular Christmas music.
Speaking of Harry Potter, I just found out today that Local State University has a QUIDDITCH team! What?!?!?!
Emails from my sister! (Hola at ya, sis!)
Looking forward to the farmer's market tomorrow with friends, and hoping to try a pre-made dinner from a cooked-food CSA.
Successful communication that is occasionally happening between me and Baby H. She's signing a lot, but still is inconsistent with translating actual desires into language! And then, of course, I have to understand her!
The written schedules I've been making up for our week. Seems silly to me, but it definitely helps.
The hat I'm knitting for Baby H. It's quite a step up from my only, unfinished previous knitting project- but so far I've got it onto double pointed needles, so I'm thinking it's going well. And, I'm going to work on it. Happy Weekend, all!