You know the song "These are a few of my favorite things?" Well, here are a few of mine lately.
The way Baby H likes the "Doe, a Deer" song, speaking of the Sound of Music. She'd probably like "These are few of my favorite things," too, but I can't remember enough words to get very far.
Winter is dying. Even though it's 15 degrees and our hot water pipes froze (again), I know spring is coming. It's supposed be FOURTY degrees this weekend. That's like a heat wave.
How Baby H looks adoringly at me. I have mixed feelings, however, about how only I can lay her down at bedtime. But the "I love my mamma" stare just melts your heart.
Artisan bread in five minutes a day. We're going to turn into bread over here.
That Baby H is finally on something resembling a schedule. Three naps a day, and somewhat consistent times, with somewhat consistent lengths, of usually at least 40 minutes. Bliss.
Glee and The Mentalist. And salt and pepper popcorn.
This morning we're going to pick my mom up from the airport instead of skyping.
Leslie the PA declared H infection-free yesterday. Maybe a tooth is in our future, after all?
Baby H's little laugh! Poor ticklish kid.
Edwin doesn't like it if I don't put him to bed either. Dan had to do it last night since I was away, and Edwin protested for a full 30 minutes. Tell E he shouldn't take it personally.