I've been spending the last weeks grocery shopping, figuring out how to change our registration, enjoying a visit from my in-laws (hi Grandmom and Grandpop!), keeping the floors clean of choking hazards, moving money around to meet two cycles of bills from two different states paid from two different bank accounts, recovering from a weird death-by-exhaustion virus, and teaching the baby to sleep. But today- today was Saturday. A SUMMER Saturday. We squeezed every last drop of goodness out of it, despite E fighting the death-by-exhaustion virus.
We started with a walk to a local ice cream store that sells donuts in the morning. It was still pretty cool, and was a great activity for E and me- a long walk for me, donuts for him. That guy will do almost anything for a donut. And they were delicious. We got back before it got too hot, and gave E a haircut while the baby napped. (Hey, sometimes you have to do some chores, even on Summer Saturdays). I was very excited to use an excess of blueberries I had bought this week to make blueberry syrup while E and H spent some quality time together, and I cleaned up (after drinking my third decaf coffee in two years) while they both took naps. A quick trip to the store for more fruit for a party tomorrow, and pancakes with blueberry syrup for dinner. Baby H is now sleeping- she puts herself to sleep most nights now, though tonight took two tries because I accidentally left the vent closed in her room, which was apparently making a scary noise when the AC ran. (She communicates just fine without talking, thanks. And she's quite sensitive. I don't know how I ended up with this one.) Unfortunately, we can't take an after dinner walk with the baby sleeping, which we both still mourn- so I thought I'd update the old blog.
Baby H is quickly becoming NOT a baby! She will be one in less than a month! She pulled herself all the way up for the first time yesterday, and had her first convincing, unprompted sign yesterday (light) and her first convincing, unprompted word today (duck). She also helps me call for E when it's time for him to come read her books once she's in her pj's. She tries to say all kind of words, but they mostly just sound the same- dog, duck, frog, cat, quack, giraffe (af), pretty much anything we say. She still can't say "ma," though, or roll off her back, so we probably have a few months left of babyhood. I can see the thunder clouds of toddlerdom looming, though, especially when she doesn't get her way on something. Yikes.
Edwin's firs sign was 'light' too! And hooray that she's putting herself to sleep at night and that she's trying to talk.
ReplyDeleteRegarding tantrums: I'm quickly becoming hardened to the oh so dramatic mom-you're-so-mean-because-you-won't-let-me-get-my-way-my-feelings-are-so-hurt-how-could-you cries that Edwin pulls out. It started around the time when he turned a year. But the cuteness of toddlerhood makes up for it all, in my opinion.
After 9 days with my parents, my Dad informed me that C has been totally playing me. I guess since he's the baby, I forgot that he was getting older -- and so it's time to crack down on the fits. The trouble is, he snuggles and kisses more than the other two did at his age, so it's ridiculously hard not to give in sometimes.