Monday, October 25, 2010


We've been busy, so I haven't been posting. But I'm not sorry, because the blog is for fun, not for guilt. I've been nursing and burping and worrying and enjoying our baby, sleeping and taking walks and cooking (a little) and not washing dishes and sneaking in a shower every day and enjoying E's company this past month. (He's back to work today.)

I've been trying out my cloth diapers:

Using up the last week of our CSA produce- I love love love swiss chard:

You can also see the butternut squash and, way back there, roasted eggplant topped with garlic.

I've been spending time with my in-laws and going to church and calling my mom and trying to figure out what foods make my little one's tummy hurt. Planning for Christmas and catching up on gifts and phone calls and sending out birth announcements and doing lots (and lots and lots) of laundry. Life is good.

(ps- don't miss another new post below. Who knows when there will be more. Because of, you know, life.)


  1. how do you like cloth diapers? and I'm making something with swiss chard this week! yum!

  2. Thought of you (and AmyK) today when I pulled the last of one too many loads of laundry out of the dryer. I'm oh-so-impressed at your cloth diapering, but found myself grateful on laundry day to not have any more to do! Go you for using them AND a clothesline! I'm pretty sure I'd get kicked out of Arlington if I had a clothesline. They're green around here, but in a proud, too good for clotheslines kind of way.
