Sunday, May 4, 2014

Our Summer Plan

I have been thinking about H starting preschool almost since I got pregnant with TT, just after H's second birthday. Not because I was looking to pass her off and have some time with TT- though that's what many people suggested, and it was nice to have a break during a very challenging year both for our family and our resident 3-year-old. But, I was concerned about her having so many big changes in such a short span- new sister, relocation, and starting school all in a 3-month span, plus the normal worries about our shy child adjusting to school, and choosing a school long distance. We did what we could to prepare her, and it went great. I was so focused on the start of a  decades-long endeavor that I didn't realize until March that SCHOOL STOPS DURING THE SUMMER. I was going to have our challenging three year old home full time for three full months. What used to seem totally normal now sounded incredibly exhausting.

So, we have a plan for the summer. Five activities, five weekdays, some flexibility.

Monday- Playgroup. We've been going to this for a month or so, and I like that Rose sees some of the same kids every week (outside of school). Unfortunately, there's no particular child that she connects with, but I like the other moms, it meets at a park, and I'm hoping familiarity will at least yield positive relationships for her.

Tuesday- Story time at the library. Our library here is not nearly as good here as it was, but still worth going, especially in the summer!

Wednesday- Pool. I hear there is a free pool here with a kiddie pool in the shade, and it's not too busy in the morning. I'd love to get H in the big pool- but we'll have to see.

Thursday- Museum. We have a membership to a great kids museum about 30 minutes from our house. I don't know that we'll do this every single week, but it's way to big to do it all in one visit, so we should be able to rotate through and enjoy it pretty regularly. We can also bring a friend with our membership, if anyone wants to come.

Friday- Errands or Morning Playdate. These last three things won't always be in the same order (and we'll have to plan around weather), but it gives me some good options. We all get cranky with too much unstructured time in the house.

These are all morning activities- we'll come home, have lunch, and either have play time in the house, or yard, or go to a nearby park or walk with a friend (until it gets too hot). Then we have rest time, and H usually gets a little TV while I prepare dinner. This part isn't too different from our routine now. (Neither is the rest, really, except H has been in school T/Th/F mornings).

Of course, this will only happen for about three weeks before we will take several weeks of all packing/moving/unpacking all-day-all-week (or as much as we can); but hopefully we will get back to it in mid-July.

Anyone else have a summer plan?

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