Sunday, May 22, 2011

(Almost) Two Years in Tiny Town

So, it turns out our time in Tiny Town is coming to a close. While we started this blog to record our transition from Big Eastern City to Small Midwestern Town, it probably ended up being more about Baby H- who is by far the best result of our time here. We've made some super excellent friends, too- I'm pretty sure Jesus sent them here just for us. I'm thinking he probably has some other purpose for their lives, but I know that was one of them.

We'll be moving - in less than three weeks!- to Midsize Midwestern City. So much closer to home, physically and culturally. I'm sure when we get there we'll realize all the ways we've adjusted to small town life- but right now what still stands out are the things I haven't let go of from city living.

I took the baby carrier instead of the stroller for a walk with a friend and her baby the other day, because I didn't think we could fit two huge strollers on the sidewalk. We walked in the street, though. And speaking of that huge stroller, we keep in the in the trunk of the car. Which we lock. And I don't ever leave it alone on the front porch, or outside a shop, or anywhere. Much to the amusement of my friend from Even Tinier Town. We still lock our doors, of course. I usually notice if we leave change in the cup holders. I even worry when I'm in the shower that someone is going to break in and steal Baby H from her bed. That last one is probably more a result of paranoia than city life, but hey- she's awfully cute.

I know I'll miss the slow pace, the safe walks, the grocery store that's less than 50 yards from our door, and the beautiful town. I'll probably, at times, even regret the addition of convenient take-out - but then again, probably not for a while. We will surely miss our friends here, especially while we are making new ones. But overall, we're excited for this change.

Midsize City, here we come! As soon as we pack some boxes, that is.


  1. YAY blog and MIDSIZE city!!!!!!!!!!!!! is it pathetic that i have been checking your blog stalkerishly coz i figured you were about due for another update??? <3 the sister.

  2. ps, we ARE living in a big city, but im training husband-to-be to lock the door when we leave since he is from rural exurb of big city lol.

    also i forgot that google would publish my name so i didnt have to be all cryptic with my response and call myself the sister. whoops.
